Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Got up this morning, and I'm 1/2 pound away from my all-time low of 221.5 -- I was 222!  This has me psyched, since I have been more like 224 - 225 for the longest time, but I had gotten back up to 231 by the time I started the two-week liquid jump start.

I spent an  hour and a half this evening doing a workout of 30 minutes of kettlebell training, followed by an hour of Pilates (something new for me).  I was pretty happy with this DVD because it gives a beginner, intermediate, and experienced version of all the exercises.  Depending on what you pick, that's the type of exercise you see instead of having all three there and you have to watch one particular person.  My GoWear Fit, however, showed only seven MINUTES of exercise.  I assure that stupid thing that I as working my butt off.  :)


  1. You're almost there! You can do it girl! Lookat how far you have come. xo-april

  2. Thanks, April! :) I try not to see how far I have to GO and how far I've actually COME. :)
