Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Excellent NSVs yesterday!

I've either been stalled or lost very little in months and months.  I broke a plateau just the other day, which was great.  But yesterday made me feel FANTASTIC!

A classmate of mine asked me if I've been losing weight.  I said, yes, kind of (since I have not budged very much since the end of August), but that event hough I haven't lost much, I've been working out and working at it.  Now, I had a class with her back in spring of 2008, and of course I was a lot larger then.  I told her that since that time, I had lost around 70 pounds, but did she mean since way back then or did she mean since this semester began?  She said certainly she realized I'd lost since 2008, but that even in this semester I'd looked like I'd lost weight.  Omg, I about kissed her full on the mouth in front of God and everybody!  I thanked her profusely, since I really needed to hear this.  BOY did that feel good!

My second NSV was my workout yesterday.  I've been going through some horrible crap on Facebook with a prior LBTer that I thought was a good person.  People who know her would be surprised to know what I now know.  She is NOTHING in real life like the persona she put out there on LBT.  She was helpful, insightful, even-keeled, reached out to newbies, everything that made her seem like a good person.  I have come to find that, like the characters on V, she has a human exterior that hides a reptile underneath.  It's been a very emotional weekend as all this has come out and the fallout has taken out three of us who are pretty close. 

I say all this to say that I decided Sunday that I was going to work out like crazy yesterday as I had a lot of emotion to burn off.  Mondays are my school days where I have just over three hours between classes, and I decided I was going to really push myself (pretending I was on The Biggest Loser as I did it, lol) and work out the entire time.  It was tiring, but omg, it felt SOOOO good to use something beneficial to work out my anxiety and stress!

When I got home, I downloaded my GoWear Fit and it showed that in that time, I burned just over 1,300 calories!!  This morning I was down to a new low of 221.5.  Not a big budge (I started at 222.5 yesterday morning), but hey, I'll take ANYTHING!  My new goal is to get below 220, the lowest I've been in many, many years, and it will also represent the most weight I've ever lost.

My bandiversary is coming up on Saturday, and I want to revel in what I've lost and not worry about where I THOUGHT I would be.


  1. Well, first up, Happy Bandiversary for Saturday. That's some accomplishment.
    Yay for the lady that gave you the NSV. Sometimes affirmation from another person is all we need to again stir us into action.
    And the the lady on FB giving you grief... screw her. Hate those backstabbing types. Be gone FB Witch!

  2. Hehehe, you nailed all of it. :)
