Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm sorry, is my band causing you issues?

Omg, foodie friends are driving me nuts.  Not only is it bad enough that they want me to commit to having fun with them this summer (uh, I have CLASSES, remember??), but the other day they wanted me to go with them to a motorcycle dealership for an open house they were having.  The draw?  Free food -- pancakes, sausage, donuts, etc.  Um, REMEMBER MY BAND??  I said thanks but no thanks.  Foodie Friend Husband says, "But, but, it's FREE FOOD!"  I said I can't eat that crap even if I wanted to!  He still didn't seem happy that I wasn't jumping on the free crappy food bandwagon, but whatever.  These people drive me nuts sometimes.


  1. Yup! As they would me. They're not helping drive food from your life either when they peck at you. Ack!

  2. LOL...why can't we just get everyone to get on the BAND-wagon with us? Life would be so much simpler!

  3. I guess I look at it this way: If I was a recovering alcoholic, would they continually invite me to bars?? :(

  4. I'm hearing you all!!! People just dont get it!!! And then they make supportive comments like - "My God! You should be annorexic considering how little you eat!" or my favourite "Are you mainlining lard cause you should be hot eating that much" gotta love that supportive society we live in......

  5. LOL, Shaggs, SOOOO true! And what is ironic is the wife foodie friend is as teeny as a bird, and the husband is overweight and diabetic. o_O
